
The search criteria offered are:

Search by department (by entering only its name or selecting it on a map of France).

This allows you to access all or some of the communes of a department.


Search by commune (by entering only its name or its post code and, optionally, a department)

This allows you to access all or some of the cadastral sheets.


Search by address

This allows you to find a cadastral parcel by entering one of the following criteria :
the lieu-dit (locality) where the parcel is located or the number and the street name corresponding to this parcel.


Search by cadastral references

This allows you to find a parcel or a cadastral sheet for which you know the cadastral references directly (i.e. section prefix, section and parcel or sheet number).


For all types of search, you can start a new one by clicking on the « reinitialize » button. This will result in changing the fields of the form back to their default setting.


To search by commune, by address or by cadastral references, you must specify a commune (by its name or post code).